Lesser of Two Evils or a Clear Cut Answer?


Was ist besser: allein & einsam zu bleiben oder in schlechter Umgang zu sein - nicht wahre “Freunde” zu haben?

This is the type of question I now face and would not likely face anywhere else. 


I walked through the wealthy part of town today, absolutely unintentionally. Getting lost in the city will bring you everywhere - from the sketchy side streets as you struggle to find your way to your destination, to the unbelievably rich part of town with high-heeled glances at your thrift store jacket.

And the feeling that persists throughout, is of not quite belonging anywhere. Really, at all.

So that must simply be right. I can’t and never will fit in here. Or anywhere on this side of life.

Glad to know that one day, I will fit in. And perhaps that will be a huge joy of heaven - having experienced the flip side and having (of course not alone) conquered the pain.





2018, ThesisMelissa Moon