Evening in Prague

The busy streets, even for a Tuesday afternoon, were striking.

My accommodation for the night with a lovely view.

Seen in nearly every shop window.

Lovely evening Prague light.

The many children’s toy shops that lined the streets were charming and reminding of home.

I’ve never seen architecture quite like exists in Prague.

Along with the dainty table cloths and old brick walls, came pretzels, naturally.

I wasn’t sure at first what type of church it was, but I decided to enter. Just at the right time, too, because the pews were scarcely filled with locals in adoration. And with no tight schedule or anywhere to go, it was nice to stay for a while.

I couldn’t get over my window-photo fascination. Every shop had their best displays at the front and the evening light was perfect for capturing reflections of the City.

Flowers in May, leisurely set table tops, and locals in no rush at all.

Four flights of stairs to my room, suitcase carrying was no easy Task.

Again, the light and the architecture made for a lovely combination.

PragueMelissa Moon